Q & A – Personal Injury
Common Personal Injury Questions
Georgia Personal Injury Statute of Limitations
Q: How long do I have to file a personal injury case?
A: In order to timely file a lawsuit for a personal injury case, the case must be filed within 2 years from the date of the incident. There are some exceptions. Consult with a qualified personal injury attorney regarding your case.
Q: My injury was caused by a law enforcement officer. Is it possible to recover for my injuries?
A: Yes, we can obtain a recovery for you in an accident involving a law enforcement officer. However, it is crucial that ante litem notice requirements be strictly complied with.
Personal Injury Case Valuation Questions
Q: How do I know how much I’ll recover from my personal injury case?
A: Generally speaking, knowing what your total medical expenses are gives us a good and very rough estimate of what the possible recovery is in your personal injury case. However, there are many factors in addition to medical expenses that should be considered in valuing a case.
Q: My total medical expenses are $30,000.00. Will I have to pay back all of that amount out of my personal injury settlement?
A: Almost certainly no. First, if an insurer, Medicare, or Medicaid paid expenses to medical care providers, you may have to reimburse the insurer, Medicare, or Medicaid some amount, but it will almost certainly be much less than the originally billed amount.
Paying for Medical Treatment
Q: It is someone else’s fault that I was hurt. Why should I use my health insurance to pay the medical expenses?
A: If you have been hurt in an accident that was someone else’s fault, we almost always recommend that you use your health insurance policy to pay medical expenses. The short answer for this is reason is that using your health insurance policy will almost always result in a great net recovery for you.
Punitive Damages
Q: I was hit by a drunk driver, but I wasn’t injured. Do I have a claim?
A: Yes, you have a claim if you were struck by a drunk driver, and it may shock you how much that claim is worth.